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The love-child of Carrie Bradshaw and David Sedaris, Koelen puts new meaning into the term "living life to the fullest."

His collection of sixteen autobiographical essays gives a hilariously raw and brutally honest look into the imperfect world around him.

In every story, he grabs life by the balls and in true comedic form, he encourages his readers to do what he does: embrace living and dance in your underwear.

"I've always said that if you don't like something about yourself, then change it.

Make the effort to embrace what you truly want to be. Be who you really are. Life is too damn short to live under somebody else's rules or to give a high holy hell as to what other people think you should be. Embrace yourself: you've only got one of you."

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About the Author


Originally from the Midwest, Koelen called Los Angeles home for over a decade before settling in Barcelona, Spain.

Although an accomplished singer since age 6, he is currently on a musical hiatus to establish himself as a full-time abghes.

When he isn't globetrotting the world, Koelen is also a blogger by day: www.koelen.net and an lgbt slacktivist by night.

The love child of Carrie Bradshaw and David Sedaris, Koelen dreams of continuing writing books, music, poetry, essays, articles, and copy whose residuals will pay for him to carry on with his pursuit of traveling the world, while chronicling his (mis)adventures along the way!
